

My creative practice and research aim to bind fantasy and theory, working as a bridge that connects archive to presence, sexual culture to education, activism to academia, often created communally and for an expansive audience toward the cultivation of desire for and fantasy of more liberatory futures.

Pieces are linked when available.

Peer-Reviewed Articles

Book Chapters

2020 “Trans memory as Transmedia activism,” Social Movements, Cultural Memory, and Digital Media: Mobilizing Media Remembrance. Ed. Merrill, Samuel, Keightley, Emily, Daphi, Priska. With Abigail DeKosnik, Clement Hil Goldberg, and Paige Johnson, 33-57.

2019 “#WhyIStayed: Virtual Survivor-Centered Spaces for Transformation and Abolishing Partner Violence.” #Identity: Hashtagging Race, Gender, Sexuality, and Nation. University of Michigan Press. Ed. Abigail De Kosnik and Keither P. Feldman, 137-151.


Public Writing

2020 Disability and Political Education: An Activist Toolbox, published online as part of the COLA movement at University of California, Google Doc.

2019  “Introduction,” Anti-Oppressive Composition Pedagogies. Radical Teacher Magazine. Issue 115. With Erica Cardwell and Anandi Rao, 1-6.

2017 The Official Anti-Milo (digital) Toolkit, open-source digital manual to build campus resistance against the far-right provocateur, circulated internationally, Google Doc.

2017 White Supremacy and ‘Free Speech’ on College Campuses: A (Digital) toolkit,

Google Doc.

2015  Survivors’ Symposium Zine, documenting participant experiences at symposium.